Dive into the intelligence of your subconscious with guided group hypnosis. In this group we will turn our attention toward how we want to feel and move forward in our lives. Collaborating with your mind, your nervous system and the unique language of your subconscious is a powerful and yet playful space to get curious and create change.
This group will take place live over zoom, there won’t be a recording.
There are no refunds
If you need financial support please reach out, no one will be turned away do to lack of funds.
A little about hypnosis:
Hypnosis is a creative conversation for change. Hypnosis isn’t something done to you, this is a dialogue between you and your subconscious where I will just be helping as a guide. Our minds are incredibly powerful, but often in life for a variety of reasons we get stuck in certain thought patterns, patterns that can be limiting, hindering to our growth, expansion and happiness. The beauty is that not only can we can change, we are changing constantly. Our brains are neuroplastic, meaning that the neural networks have the ability to reorganize and create new connections. When we collaborate with our minds, offering ourselves resource, hope, inspiration and possibility it allows us to move in the direction we want to be going. We do this work in a liminal space, one where the nervous system feels safe to create new connections. Together we will release old thought patterns while resourcing you on the path of where you want to go. If you are feeling stuck, lost or like you can’t quite make the changes to the live the life you want, I invite you to try hypnosis.